I'm a writer, artist, and musician living in interesting times. I volunteer as an advocate for civil rights with Citizens Project, a grassroots nonprofit in Colorado Springs. And I volunteer for the Piecing Partners Quilt Guild's annual fundraiser.
I've always found opportunities to use my talent in diverse ways. My current projects include an outdoor mural, special events planning for a local nonprofit, creating art quilts, and sculpting the human figure in clay. I write both fiction and non-fiction for periodicals, technical manuals for corporations, and publicity pieces for small businesses. As a motivational speaker and humorist I entertain fellow cancer patients and survivors. My bachelor’s degree is in studio art from Rhodes College, where I was an Honor Student cum laude. |
In my corporate life I worked in website architecture and information design. I also worked in nonprofit development, managed a retail store, and sold college textbooks. I'm honored to have been recognized by United Methodist Women, Habitat for Humanity, the Small Business Administration, Rotary International, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and the Society for Technical Communication.
At home I enjoy reading, watching the invertebrates in my aquarium, and sitting on the couch for long periods. I live in Colorado with my family. And a dog who is too cute for his britches. |